How you present yourself and your business in everyday interactions is a powerful vehicle for promoting your image. Whether you represent a small business or a major corporation, your goal is positive results with clients, both current and potential ones. Before you can gain access, your visual image must be attractive to your prospect. While some may disagree, indeed, your first impression is often visual.
This article is part of Effició’s ‘Leadership Growth Through Learning’ series, where we share insights and strategies to help leaders develop their personal and professional skills. As an executive, founder, or entrepreneur, investing in your image is crucial for personal and professional growth.
Your image comprises numerous elements, some you carefully cultivate and others you may not be aware of. To give yourself an image “check-up,” there are several areas you can begin to critique:
1. Others’ Reactions to You
Other people’s initial reactions to you can tell you a lot about whether your image is working for you or against you. Ask yourself, do people assume you are a lot older or younger than you are? Do people take you seriously, or do they seem unconvinced or dismissive? Are strangers surprised when you tell them what you do for a living? These questions can help you interpret signals you receive from different people in your various spheres of interaction.
2. Your Body Language
Sit in front of a full-length mirror and study how you look. Be sure to examine all parts of your body. How do you look in different positions? Is your body saying what you want it to say? For instance, when you want to appear friendlier, are your arms folded? Are you sitting in a masculine position when you want to look softer? Once you are aware of how you look, you can make small changes to ensure your body language conveys the message you intend.
3. Your Business Attitude
Attitude is how you react to stimuli or input. You either have a positive, neutral, or negative reaction towards an object, a person, a place, a thing, or an event. How you judge your reactions and how they affect you sets your behavior based on your attitude. Start by asking yourself these questions: How do you view the world? How do you view yourself? Attitude is one of the main drivers of behavior for you and the people you may lead now and in the future. Shift your attitude, then adjust your behavior accordingly.
4. Representing Your Business
How you represent your business is an important part of your image. Here are some common business image mistakes to avoid:
- Sending out sloppy digital and physical business materials
- Not doing what you say you are going to do
- Failing to say “thank you” in writing, digitally or otherwise
- Not being punctual or informing of an absence
- Not answering important emails, voicemails, and direct messages on social networks
Take note, representing your business is different from presenting it—both are crucial aspects of your image.
5. Your Appearance
Looking great is a matter of having a simple routine. Check your appearance in a three-panel mirror if possible. Watch for scuffs on shoes and wrinkles in clothing; even if you’re online, people can still see you!
6. Color Guidelines for Effective Dress
Color should complement your appearance, not overpower it. There are three ways to use color in business:
- Powerful: Use high contrast (e.g., a black suit with a crisp white shirt).
- Approachable: Use medium to low contrast (e.g., lavender top with dark purple pants).
- Creative: Use patterns and different textures; experiment with dress (e.g., a dark suit with a Disney character tie).
Do not allow your clothing to “wear” you. The wardrobe that works best for you and your business image is less about fashion and more about function. To develop a dynamic core wardrobe, consider four elements: lifestyle, body type, coloring, and fashion personality.
7. Internationally Accepted Guidelines for Dress
Even if you do not engage in international business, knowing the internationally accepted guidelines for business dress is important. Understanding these guidelines can help you avoid faux pas when dealing with colleagues from different countries.
8. Your Image on Video Conferences
Record yourself during a meeting and review the recording. Pay attention to your body language, facial expressions, and overall presentation. What image are you projecting? This exercise can provide valuable insights into how others perceive you during virtual interactions.
These are a few things you can do to enhance your image, but YOU play an important part in achieving your goals. Having the correct outward appearance and the right attitude can often take you further than education or experience.
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