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Education Programs

The Effició Collection:  Education Programs

In any successful business, there is a continuing need for problem-solving, goal review, and planning. Effició, Inc. helps you keep your business on the success track with regular, consistent education. It’s easy to get started with anything but to follow through and execute takes commitment, dedication, and accountability. Use our education programs, development tracks, and skill-builder courses to begin “laying claim” to business longevity.

We currently offer two education programs:

CORE10: Infrastructure and Systems Development

CORE10 provides continuing education for company owners and leaders. The 10-month curriculum, training, and advising takes you through a systematic process that will teach you how to:

  • Develop CORE systems essential for business success.
  • Integrate and implement a focused growth strategy.
  • Execute a strategic blueprint that drives immediate results in your business.

Learn more on the CORE10 Education Program Page



CORE24: Strategic Partner + Credentials

CORE24 is a comprehensive education program for company owners. The 24-month curriculum + credentials will:

  • Help you move through the stages of business development more quickly.
  • Provide a solid support system for strategic business growth.
  • Increase efficiencies, profit margins, and business acumen to create a wealthy business and lifestyle.

Learn more on the CORE24 Education Program Page


To explore a detailed overview of our education, schedule your Executive Briefing.

If have general questions call 866-934-2673 ext. 701 or email core[at] to speak with one of our team members.

We’re ready to serve you with innovative technologies, creative team members, and premier entrepreneur education that stay true to the Effició Brand: Getting to the CORE of Business.

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